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Sunday, 7 November 2010

Design Studies - Assignment 2

After attending my second Seminar I was asked to complete 4 tasks and attend the 3rd seminar to complete the second module.

These were;

• Show evidence of the brainstorming session (photos or video, a written reflection on the process)
• Bring an A2 poster to the seminar showing where your thinking took you. (Put a copy on your blog)
• Be able to discuss your thinking process and where it led you
• Document your thinking and working on your blog.

As our previous lecture 'think big' wanted us to think more openly about design, these assignments are relating to this through the 'Tipping Point'. The topic looked at in more detail was from assignment one this was 'the law of the few'.

This task was to get into a small group and think of as many different ways in which my topic from assignment 1b relates to design. 

Here is some evidence of our brainstorming session.

Our group........
in action!

Final Brainstorm 

This task is to go for a coffee with my group and talk about the ideas we had in the brainstorming session. 
Our group found this really useful as it was interesting how many different things we talked about going into more depth than we did in our brainstorming session.
Here is some evidence of our discussion.

Thinkin -A2 Poster

This task is to reflect on the ideas i came up with in the brainstorm activity and to choose a few to pursue in more depth. As we brainstormed the idea of 'connectors' we found that some of the ways people connect through design is by use of graphics, word of mouth, interiors and mainly through technology. 
I then researched further into the technology aspect and found products that were designed for communication. 
I recorded my thoughts and research as notes and took one idea further and developed it into an A2 poster showing my thinking, and how design relates to the topic of 'connectors'- people who bring information/people together.

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